
Adam Parnell
Adam lived in Buenos Aires for 18 months, during which time he studied tango intensively, taking lessons at the Mora Godoy studio and DNI school.
It wasn't long before he realised he much preferred the more relaxed tango nuevo style danced at Mario Bournissen and Eugenia Martinez's Soho Tango practica.
Mario and Eugenia took Adam under their wing and, as a result, he quickly became one of their assistant teachers.
From there, he went on to work with the fabulous Elina Ruiz, who he still has lessons with every time he's in Argentina.
Like Elina, Adam's teaching focuses on embedding good technique and, most importantly, the connection between leader and follower.

Leanne Allsopp
Leanne met Adam through salsa. It wasn't long before he persuaded her to come along to a tango class when he started up White Rose Tango in 2010.
Years of salsa training with some of the world's best gave her solid foundations in body awareness, body movement, balance, posture, and following technique.
Leanne applied her previous dance experience to help her to learn quickly. After a few years, she became Adam's regular teaching partner at White Rose Tango.
Leanne has continued to explore opportunities to develop her tango dancing through taking workshops from other respected tango teachers, and experimenting with other dance forms. She has most recently started to train in contemporary dance.